Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Aloha love-crazed mustachios. This is my second post in a week, but. . . I need to write this all down before I forget. And believe me, I will! Science fair was yesterday, and I am sooooo glad that it's finally over.
Now all I have do is a french poster, and I will be the happiest person ever. Wait. . . swimming in a pool of marshmallows. I stole that from The Lorax. Sorry about that. Yesterday, my friend was looking at posters, and she thought she saw the Nazi symbol on one of them. This is especially hilarious because our school rents space from a Jewish temple. lol. I can't wait for Valentine's Day. NOT because of a "special someone", because it means chocolate is flying around (not literally of course). Honestly, it should just be called Chocolate Day.
I am freaking out. I haven't gotten an acceptance or denial letter from my high school of choice. Everyone keeps telling me I will get in, but I feel like they're humoring me. Oh well, I'll just wait and see what happens. If you look at the top of my post, then you will see that I said mustachios. I looked it up: this is an actual word (also my new favorite thing to say)!!!!! It means long mustache. Fun schtuff.
Almost forgot! I was looking over the stats on my blog to see how many people viewed my blog, and apparently people in Russia have seen it. I don't know (or care, for that matter) what you guys think, but that's pretty freaking awesome! INTERNATIONAL!! Yay!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week #4

Hello my cobalt pumpernickels. How are y'all doing (don't worry, if you don't wanna tell me, I am fine -telling me would be weirder)?
Now. . . down to business. I was watching the Super Bowl last weekend, and I was not entertained. I checked the internet after the game, and the majority had pics of broncos fans that switched to Seahawks fans. Ha. I don't really care who wins, , but I think that it could have been a more exciting game. I would have liked at least a little mystery about who would win. There's always next year.

I am very proud of myself. I have somehow managed to memorize my monologue.  It's about this girl getting ready for prom. I like it, but it's kinda hard to pretend to be a sixteen year old girl. In real life, I honestly would not care that much about this kind of stuff. It is fun to act, though. Maybe I'll try that in high school. Who knows what I will do?
Gotta go: the olympics are on!!! BYEEEEE!

Aloha, I'm back! Science fair is tomorrow and I am freaking out. It's probably nothing, but exaggerating is more fun, so that's what I'm gonna do. Don't judge.
There is a magazine sitting in front of me right now that say FACEBOOK HITS PUBERTY. Well, I have nothing to say to whoever thought of that. . . interesting title.
I was watching the olympics yesterday, and I almost screamed at the tv. Team USA is doing a very bad job in figure skating (that's the only portion I actually watch and/or care about). Step up your game guys! I'm disappointed in all y'all.
Just checked my horoscope. Apparently I need to be softer when speaking to people. IGNORED!!! Right now, the last thing I wanna do is talk quietly. Believe me, if you knew the people I knew, you'd understand completely.

As you may have noticed, the background of my blog has changed. Happy Valentine's Day everybody! Can't wait to eat all that chocolate! YUM.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


UGH!!!!! I hate tests. I'm pretty sure that since the start  of the school year, I've had at least one test a week! Of course, I have to procrastinate, so I end up doing all of this stuff at the last minute. Oh well. As longs I don't fail anything, all's good in my world.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week #2

Hiya everyone! So I realized that if I'm gonna do this I'm doing week by week, but days will not be given. So, now (drumroll, please). . . It's Week Two.
I AM SOOOO HAPPY I finally finished my high school applications and now all I have to do is wait. I freaking out about that part because I really want to go to this one school, and I will literally die if I'm not accepted.
I had a symphony concert this weekend. I think it went pretty well but during rehearsal these two guys at the stand beside just stopped playing in the middle of the piece ;cause it was too hard for them. They can't handle the pressure!!! Lol jk, but they're lazy. So, between rehearsal and the concert we have like an hour to do what we want. My friend has this kindle  and she started playing songs. Anyways, I got to this song I didn't like and i wanted to turn the volume down so I kept looking for the volume button. I'm used to apple products so I ended up acting like a complete idiot. I know. . . Nothing surprising.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Week #1

Aloha, People of the internet. My name is Melon, and somehow, you have stumbled upon my blog. I’m new at this, so don’t judge!
Now, after my sorry excuse for an intro, embark on the magical world of. . . My Beautimous Life. So this is how it’s going to work: I am going to update you weekly on my life.
Monday: I. Am. Tired. Whoever created Mondays deserves a slap in the face. I literally spent most of Sunday evening on Netflix. Productive, I know. Anyways, I feel like a log.
In geography, we were in the computer lab researching stuff for our projects on different aspects of Russian life. I learned two things from this experience: One, Russians love their vodka, and two, they have a dessert made of marshmallows and chocolate. Its genius, I tell ya, GENIUS!
In PE we were doing a game of tug-of-war, but I was wearing boots. Those floors are slippery! I ended up falling down and sliding across the floor. I must have looked so smooth out there.
Tuesday: We had a grammar test today in English and I think I flunked it. At lunch, my friend Kat decided to bring an avalanche of little children to where I was sitting, and let them bury me. I think I’m scarred for life because of this incident. Note to the world: Children are awesome, but when they come at you in groups of more than five, I suggest you go home curl up in a ball under your bed, and don’t come out until after the zombie apocalypse (so basically never)!
Wednesday: Whoever decided to create the high school application process was seriously messed up! I thank them for making my life miserable. Also, why does a school need to know all of this random stuff about us? I was filling out an application form with a bunch of fill in the blanks. One was ‘My favorite midnight snack is. . .’ I don’t know about everyone else, but I am not staying up until midnight for a snack. I NEED my beauty sleep.
Today at lunch I discovered, once again, that I have the weirdest friends ever. I was eating a yogurt tube, and my friend decides that it’s a good idea to squeeze it and go “Squishy squishy, bum bum” It’s times like these that make me reflect on my life choices.
Later, during physical education, my friends and I were trying to perfect our dance routine (Every year we have to make dance routines to perform). It involved a lot of falling. At this point in the day, I decided to take off my shoes, which resulted in a lot of pain. We tried to create a pyramid. I was at the bottom because I am the tallest child in our group, and most of my friends could not support me to save their lives (no offense, guys)! Of course, since most of us are pretty awkward and clumsy, we all ended up in a big pile. Surprisingly, this happens to be the best routine in our entire class. Sadness!
Thursday: Humph. That’s all I have to say about school right now. We have a geography project, English essay, science fair project, AND a French poster. What is the point of giving out all of these projects at once? Of course to top it all off there our high school applications due soon. I am very stressed right now, and yet so calm. I feel like I just want to go to sleep forever!