Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week #4

Hello my cobalt pumpernickels. How are y'all doing (don't worry, if you don't wanna tell me, I am fine -telling me would be weirder)?
Now. . . down to business. I was watching the Super Bowl last weekend, and I was not entertained. I checked the internet after the game, and the majority had pics of broncos fans that switched to Seahawks fans. Ha. I don't really care who wins, , but I think that it could have been a more exciting game. I would have liked at least a little mystery about who would win. There's always next year.

I am very proud of myself. I have somehow managed to memorize my monologue.  It's about this girl getting ready for prom. I like it, but it's kinda hard to pretend to be a sixteen year old girl. In real life, I honestly would not care that much about this kind of stuff. It is fun to act, though. Maybe I'll try that in high school. Who knows what I will do?
Gotta go: the olympics are on!!! BYEEEEE!

Aloha, I'm back! Science fair is tomorrow and I am freaking out. It's probably nothing, but exaggerating is more fun, so that's what I'm gonna do. Don't judge.
There is a magazine sitting in front of me right now that say FACEBOOK HITS PUBERTY. Well, I have nothing to say to whoever thought of that. . . interesting title.
I was watching the olympics yesterday, and I almost screamed at the tv. Team USA is doing a very bad job in figure skating (that's the only portion I actually watch and/or care about). Step up your game guys! I'm disappointed in all y'all.
Just checked my horoscope. Apparently I need to be softer when speaking to people. IGNORED!!! Right now, the last thing I wanna do is talk quietly. Believe me, if you knew the people I knew, you'd understand completely.

As you may have noticed, the background of my blog has changed. Happy Valentine's Day everybody! Can't wait to eat all that chocolate! YUM.

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