Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week #2

Hiya everyone! So I realized that if I'm gonna do this I'm doing week by week, but days will not be given. So, now (drumroll, please). . . It's Week Two.
I AM SOOOO HAPPY I finally finished my high school applications and now all I have to do is wait. I freaking out about that part because I really want to go to this one school, and I will literally die if I'm not accepted.
I had a symphony concert this weekend. I think it went pretty well but during rehearsal these two guys at the stand beside just stopped playing in the middle of the piece ;cause it was too hard for them. They can't handle the pressure!!! Lol jk, but they're lazy. So, between rehearsal and the concert we have like an hour to do what we want. My friend has this kindle  and she started playing songs. Anyways, I got to this song I didn't like and i wanted to turn the volume down so I kept looking for the volume button. I'm used to apple products so I ended up acting like a complete idiot. I know. . . Nothing surprising.

1 comment:

  1. I know there is a lot of pressure on 8th graders. Just remember that it will all be worth it! I know you are a very good musician, and when you are older I think you will look back on your experiences and be glad you had them!
