Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Aloha love-crazed mustachios. This is my second post in a week, but. . . I need to write this all down before I forget. And believe me, I will! Science fair was yesterday, and I am sooooo glad that it's finally over.
Now all I have do is a french poster, and I will be the happiest person ever. Wait. . . swimming in a pool of marshmallows. I stole that from The Lorax. Sorry about that. Yesterday, my friend was looking at posters, and she thought she saw the Nazi symbol on one of them. This is especially hilarious because our school rents space from a Jewish temple. lol. I can't wait for Valentine's Day. NOT because of a "special someone", because it means chocolate is flying around (not literally of course). Honestly, it should just be called Chocolate Day.
I am freaking out. I haven't gotten an acceptance or denial letter from my high school of choice. Everyone keeps telling me I will get in, but I feel like they're humoring me. Oh well, I'll just wait and see what happens. If you look at the top of my post, then you will see that I said mustachios. I looked it up: this is an actual word (also my new favorite thing to say)!!!!! It means long mustache. Fun schtuff.
Almost forgot! I was looking over the stats on my blog to see how many people viewed my blog, and apparently people in Russia have seen it. I don't know (or care, for that matter) what you guys think, but that's pretty freaking awesome! INTERNATIONAL!! Yay!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Week #4

Hello my cobalt pumpernickels. How are y'all doing (don't worry, if you don't wanna tell me, I am fine -telling me would be weirder)?
Now. . . down to business. I was watching the Super Bowl last weekend, and I was not entertained. I checked the internet after the game, and the majority had pics of broncos fans that switched to Seahawks fans. Ha. I don't really care who wins, , but I think that it could have been a more exciting game. I would have liked at least a little mystery about who would win. There's always next year.

I am very proud of myself. I have somehow managed to memorize my monologue.  It's about this girl getting ready for prom. I like it, but it's kinda hard to pretend to be a sixteen year old girl. In real life, I honestly would not care that much about this kind of stuff. It is fun to act, though. Maybe I'll try that in high school. Who knows what I will do?
Gotta go: the olympics are on!!! BYEEEEE!

Aloha, I'm back! Science fair is tomorrow and I am freaking out. It's probably nothing, but exaggerating is more fun, so that's what I'm gonna do. Don't judge.
There is a magazine sitting in front of me right now that say FACEBOOK HITS PUBERTY. Well, I have nothing to say to whoever thought of that. . . interesting title.
I was watching the olympics yesterday, and I almost screamed at the tv. Team USA is doing a very bad job in figure skating (that's the only portion I actually watch and/or care about). Step up your game guys! I'm disappointed in all y'all.
Just checked my horoscope. Apparently I need to be softer when speaking to people. IGNORED!!! Right now, the last thing I wanna do is talk quietly. Believe me, if you knew the people I knew, you'd understand completely.

As you may have noticed, the background of my blog has changed. Happy Valentine's Day everybody! Can't wait to eat all that chocolate! YUM.